Dear, fellow DTC brand owner! Ready to take on the world in 2023? These are the times when great companies are made. When the world demands true excellence only to allow your brand to stay alive, you’ll build the foundation for a brand that will thrive when the winds turn.
The combination of an explosion of technology development and a recession, makes this the perfect time to be frugal. By turning every penny and using dirt-cheap super-tech (for example Chat GPT), you’ll be able to do more with less. The companies we’re going to see pop up in the coming years will be as productive per person as we’ve ever seen.
Your customers are the lifeblood of your business. Without them, you're just shouting into the void. So, make sure you're putting them first in everything you do. Listen to their feedback, engage with them on social media, and create products that they'll love. They’re never going to be pickier than now.
You may have heard of the saying "if you're not growing, you're dying". And it's true! As a DTC founder, you need to have a growth mindset. That means constantly seeking out new opportunities to expand your business, whether it's through new product lines or new markets.
Data is king in the world of DTC. Make sure you're tracking everything, from website traffic to conversion rates. This data will help guide your decisions and ensure you're making informed choices. No penny can be spared in 2023. Squeeze that lemon!
The major ads platform are now getting so good, that you can’t win with good media buying alone. Now it’s all about your creatives and your creativity! Over at DTC Vikings, we’re daily obsessing about tying together a world-class content creation process. Every day we’re learning from our data and every day we’re adding more creativity into it.
There you have it - the five mindsets every DTC brand owner MUST have in 2023. Now, go forth and conquer the world of e-commerce!